Mission Statement-The mission of the Modesto Institute for Continued Learning (MICL) shall be to establish and maintain a community of study and learning for adults consistent with the values and policies of the Yosemite Community College District.
MICL (pronounced “Michael”), Modesto Institute for Continued Learning, is one of hundreds of similar institutes for mature learners that have become a part of college campuses throughout the world. Under the auspices of Modesto Junior College Community Education, MICL offers lecture, workshop, study and discussion groups during daylight hours on the MJC West Campus where adequate parking is available. Activities such as trips and social events are frequently offered, linking members to the community beyond the classroom. Planning for all classes is done in advance through the Curriculum Committee composed of MICL members.
The MICL semester is divided into three 5-week sessions referred to as A, B, and C Sessions. Classes meet weekly for two hours, at 10 am or 1 pm. The class schedules are arranged so members can attend as many classes as they like for one fee each semester. Registration for individual classes is not necessary as MICL membership includes ALL classes. The members plan and often present classes, and all members are encouraged to participate. All classes are not-for-credit and are for the joy of learning.
The single membership fee is $60 per semester. The $60 fee covers registration and includes other campus services such as use of the library and bookstore. There are no tests and usually no books to buy.
An optional contribution of $20 per semester is requested to cover MICL classroom expenses such as curriculum needs, paper supplies, social activities and general costs of producing an interesting, educational environment.
MICL’s exciting trips will involve a charge for expenses incurred.
MICL Classroom Location:
MICL is held in the El Capitan Building on the MJC West Campus.
MICL Membership - $60
Cash or bank card - Visa, MasterCard, Discover.
MICL Contribution - $20
Cash or a check made payable to MICL. Give your check to the MICL Treasurer- NOT to MJC Community Education.
Curious about MICL and the classes that are offered? Come to an informal meeting in the MICL classroom the week before classes start. Check out the facility, learn about the upcoming classes and meet other students. The information meeting starts at 10:00 am. on the day of registration. You will be able to register for MICL before and after this meeting from 9 am to 11:30 am. If you can’t make the meeting, you can still register by phone, mail, or internet.
NOTE: There will be an additional $5 registration fee charged if you register by phone, in person, or mail after this meeting. This meeting is for both new and returning students.
Watch for announcements in the MJC Community Education Catalog or on this website for the date and time of this event.