Jacob Klein of the Sierra Club - The California Coal Industry
Running time 1 hr 52 min.
Mike Wade of the California Farm Water Coalition presenting to us on the Coalitions work, projects and conservation efforts.
Running time 2 hr 02 min.
10/20/20 Dr. Richard Anderson and John Buckley present the topics of Bark Beetles, Forest Management, and the Wildfire Crisis.
Running time 1 hr 57 min.
09/22/20 Dr. Richard Anderson and his wife Lynn Hansen, share their experience on a 14 day wagon-train journey, paralleling 240 miles of the Oregon Trail.
Running time 1 hr 40 min.
09/15/20 Dr. David Higgins, who will be doing a presentation on the exciting research being conducted by CIRM, the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine. Dr.Higgins is a member of the Board of Directors. He will tell us of the exciting research being conducted into Parkinson's disease, cancer, MS, ALS and others.
Running time 1 hr 54 min.
09/08/20 A presentation by Master Gardeners Anne Schellman, Terry Pelligrini and Heidi Alexcermaur on growing Fall and Winter vegetables.
Running time 1 hr 36 min
08/25/20 Wayne Sicard presents a History of Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
Running time 1 hr 24 min.